Handle Records is proud to share that today you can stream Jakarta‘s Another Chance on all major streaming services, including Spotify. Other streaming and download services include iTunes and Apple Music.

Jakart‘s third album features 10 new songs recorded by a group of International recording artists who have collaborated with input and creativity from their individual locations. The tracks are produced, mixed and mastered by bassist and Handle Records founder Joe Dolan.

This third album is literally titled, not just for Alice’s beautiful and spiritual song, but because it is what it is – Another Chance to share the beauty and passion of this group’s music with the world,” shares Joe Dolan. “It’s truly amazing how Jakarta has grown to be received and cherished the world over for creating original music that reaches people at their hearts.

This album features 13 contributing artists who have mastered their own instruments and developed their own sense of creativity that makes each of the songs a unique creation. It’s an amazing feat to produce something this consistent, and proves that a global community of artists can create something equally as impressive as 5 people in a studio room.

These artists have all met and collaborated through the website Wikiloops, a genius development created by Richard Kaiser in Germany, a music and computer enthusiast who in 2010 developed Wikiloop PHP programming into a community base for musical collaboration. The end result has created literally tens of thousands of creations that expand the potentials of music in virtually every genre. It is also how Jakarta came to be.

Joe Dolan says, “I don’t know that this is something that’s ever been done before I produced these Jakarta albums. A dozen people who’ve never met in person or worked together before just jumping in and adding their personal take on a piece of music and creating what is now 3 stellar album releases. That’s the power of collaboration in the music community.”