Second Bite


They came out of Brazil as Back In The Eighties, and they were a mighty force. With songs written by guitarist Lizzy Louis (track 2 co-written by Danny Danger) the band hit the market to applause, but rapidly fizzled out. Be it internal band strife, or that in Brazil – music doesn’t sell, it simply gets downloaded for free, the band posted that their album would be a first and last, and they went away.

In the start of 2023, producer and bassist Joey Dolan remixed the album, laying down fresh bass tracks and brought the 8 rockers on the release back to life for the simple fact – this music doesn’t come around too often and it shouldn’t go away. Enjoy a listen to a guitarist in Brazil who has a vision for the genre all of us old MTV rockers live for! It’s Back in the Eighties – for a Second Bite.